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hydrophones idrofoni
Multi purpose C57
  • CRT C57
  • CRT C57
The Cetacean Research™ C57 hydrophone series is an extra rugged version of their very popular C55 hydrophone; with a shape that allows it to be towed behind a boat with less flow noise. The C57 utilizes a slightly softer polyurethane encapsulation material than the C55, which results in better underwater acoustic performance.

C57 / C57X C57RS / C57XRS
Linear Frequency Range (±3dB) [kHz] 0.015 to 45 0.015 to 50 & 124 to 250+
Usable Frequency Range (+3/-12dB) [kHz] 0.008 to 100 0.008 to 77 & 96 to 250+
Transducer Sensitivity* [dB, re 1V/µPa] -187 -200
Preamplifier Gain [dB] 20 / 33 20/33
Effective Sensitivity* [dB, re 1V/µPa] -167 / -154 -180 / -167
SPL Equiv.Self Noise 1kHz [dB, re 1µPa/√Hz] 46 61
Power Requirement [Vdc] 5 to 32
RMS Overload Ac. Press. [dB, re 1µPa] 171 to 188 / 158 to 175 184 to 201 / 171 to 188
Maximum Operating Depth [m] 370 920
Operating Temperature Range [°C] -40 to 60 -40 to 60
Output Impedance [Ω] 10
Dimensions [mm] 116L x 25dia.
Integral Connector *** Subconn MCBH3MSS

* Transducer Sensitivity + Preamplifier Gain = Effective Sensitivity.
*** Connectors are rated to a depth of 7,000 meters; see below (or to the side) for mating connector and cables.

Do not forget to order the cable and the battery box you need.


CRT C57 hydrophone, sensor only


CRT C57RS hydrophone, sensor only




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