Projects and Devices

We design and deploy systems for remote monitoring, data acquisition, control and user interaction.
Ready and responsive in the development of experimental and flexible systems, based on open platforms such as Arduino and its derivatives, we have specific experience in designing monitoring and data acquisition systems in natural, harsh and extreme environment.

We use long-distance data transmission systems, small photovoltaic and wind turbines sources, and the world of batteries for powering systems.
We design and install audio-video monitoring, control and surveillance setups in unusual environments.

Il progetto LIFE DelTa - Delfini e tartarughe protetti
The LIFE DelTa project - Protected Dolphins and Turtles
Le installazioni presso l'Area Marina Protetta di Capo Carbonara
The installations at the Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area
Il progetto LIFE SharkLife per la mitigazione della cattura accidentale di grandi squali nelle reti da pesca
LIFE SharkLife project to mitigate the incidental capture of large sharks in fishing nets
L'esperienza con i release acustici per strumenti subacquei
Experience with acoustic releases for underwater instruments
Un sistema di monitoraggio per mangiatoie selettive in una azione di contenimento dello scoiattolo grigio in Italia
A monitoring system for selective feeders in a grey squirrel containment action in Italy
Sistemi da campo per la produzione di TimeLapse in ambiente naturale e remoto
Field systems for TimeLapse production in natural and remote environment
La visione notturne con telecamere a intensificazione di luce
Night vision with light-intensified cameras

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