Underwater Noise Monitoring

We delivery a full service in underwater noise monitoring at Sea.

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Our company specializes in providing comprehensive service in the study of underwater acoustics.
We design, manufacture and test instruments and technologies, plan field studies and carry them out with our specialized personnel.
We analyze the data collected, directly and, sometimes and as appropriate, with the cooperation and supervision of third parties, who act as guarantors for the protocols and results.
Finally, we prepare interim and final reports, which can be included in impact assessments, and which fulfill the needs related to descriptor 11 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD-2008/56/EC).

In recent years, we have worked with Italian and international companies in both the oil & gas sector, off-shore and on-shore wind power plants, impact assessments for offshore constructions (ports and pipeline and power line laying), during excavation and pile driving works.

Our playing area of choice is the Mediterranean Sea, but some of us have extensive experience in many other seas and oceans of the world as scientific shipboard personnel dedicated to noise impact mitigation procedures during operations at sea (mainly prospecting using air-guns).

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