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The Cetacean Research Technology C55-C57

The Cetacean Research C57 models are preamplified, cylindrical hydrophones designed for the detection of infrasonic, audible, and ultrasonic sounds.
In addition to typical underwater use, these hydrophones can also be used for the detection of airborne and subterranean sounds and vibrations. 
The C55, C57 and C55RS hydrophones include an integral connector and are encapsulated in a very rugged polyurethane material. 
The hydrophones are not individually calibrated but calibrated frequency response measurements can be performed on request.
Linear Frequency Range (±3dB) [kHz]: 0.016 to 44
Usable Frequency Range (+3/-20dB) [kHz]: 0.006 to 203
Transducer Sensitivity* [dB, re 1V/µPa]: -185
Preamplifier Gain [dB]: 20
Effective Sensitivity* [dB, re 1V/µPa]: -165
SPL Equiv. Self Noise at 1kHz [dB, re 1µPa]: 42 (< Sea State Zero)
Power Requirement [Vdc]: 5 to 32
RMS Overload Acoustic Pressure [dB, re 1µPa]: 169 to 186
Maximum Operating Depth ** [m]: 460
Operating Temperature Range [ºC]: -40 to 60
Output Impedance []: 2.5
Dimensions [mm]: 119 L x (25 to 16) dia.
Integral Connector ***: Subconn MCBH3MSS
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Battery / Connector box
Battery boxes are rated NEMA-4X water resistant. Standard signal connection for the Cetacean Research C55 hydrophone is through a watertight female BNC connector.
The hydrophones are powered by a single 9V battery (not included).
Signal Output: Female BNC connector
Battery Life [hours]: > 20
Box Dimensions [mm]: 98 long x 64 wide x 40 high
• omnidirectional below 10kHz;
• very directional at high frequencies (e.g., ~15º solid angle at 200 kHz, -3dB);
• directionality focused in a plane.

The C55 hydrophone is a direct replacement for the C54XRS.

*  Transducer Sensitivity + Preamplifier Gain = Effective Sensitivity.

**  1,000 meter versions are available. Append "-1k" to the model number to order a hydrophone with a depth rating >1,000 meters.

*** Connectors are rated to a depth of 7,000 meters.
• removable in-line high-pass filter
• external power supply support

Shielded Cable Length [m]: mating connector molded to 15, 30, or 50 [m] shielded cable as standard, different lengths available on order.

Cable includes Integral Connector rated to a depth of 7,000 meters.

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